Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mind the Gap

As you may know, Butch was unable to come with us on this adventure as he is helping Susie take care of our house. So, we have brought Elsie with us. She is able to leave the house more than Butch so I'm sure she will be all over the continent before this is all over.

Ah yes, after plane, train and taxi rides we have arrived at last in Worcester, United Kingdom. We have recovered from our jet lag troubles, found the grocery, the pound store and the University. Anne has begun her adventure as a professor in the British University and Linda is learning the British language.

Our ground floor flat (apartment) is near where the Birmingham-Worcester Canal joins the River Severn. Unfortunately our view is of neither but of a brick condo building, street and sidewalk. We get no sun in the flat but, if we lean far enough near the window, we can see a slice of sky. The delivery lorries (trucks) drive quite close and the lights from cars leaving the parking garage (gay-raj) across the way shine into our living room.

Worcester is a very historic city that was an instrumental battleground in the (1642-49) British Civil War between the Royalists and Parliamentarians, (Cavaliers and Roundheads); the Parliamentarians (Roundheads) won.

Neither of us are yet able to identify the British coins quickly but we discovered right away that the coins and notes given to us by Anne's mom have been decommissioned and are no longer in circulation. They no longer have one or two pound notes (bills) and have actually devised a way make one and two pound coins easily identifiable and not confused with other coins. It must save the government a ton of money on printing costs. We have had to get larger wallets for our notes since some of them are are much larger than U.S. bills.

Please check our photos links to see what we're seeing.


  1. I would love to see your photos, Elsie, but at this time I am not permitted...MOOOOOOO!

    1. Click on "Trip Photos" at the top right instead of the link at the end of the blog.

  2. And do you like the British beer?
